Freelance Writing
We post an ongoing, regularly updated list of paid writing gigs. These writing gigs are special because you won't find them at any online job site. These are special calls for writers announced by editors and publishers who need freelance writers.
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Where the Writers Go to Write - Writing.Com
Writing.Com is the online community for writers of all interests. Established in 2000, our community breeds Writing, Writers and Poetry through Creative Writing Help, Online Creative Writing Portfolios, Poetry, Writers' Tools and more.
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Freelance Creative Writing Jobs Online - Upwork
Find freelance Creative Writing work on Upwork. 2239 Creative Writing online jobs are available.
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We've just put together the ULTIMATE bundle for authors, bloggers, and freelance writers! 50 bestselling books and Premium eCourses... FREE!!!
Daily Writing Tips
From time to time, I receive emails from writers, asking me to critique attached poems or short stories. In the early days, I would send a polite reply, explaining that I hadn't time to critique their work. Now I simply delete the email and attachments and get back to my own writing.
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